
This Art piece created by Breena Nunez depicts a young girl holding a quetzal on the top of her hand. Going down the bird's tail are the words, "We are human, just like you." This piece is inspired by a letter written by Angie, a 15-year-old immigrant.

A xenophobic and bigoted ideology has taken over American society and it comes from the desire of many to have the reaffirmation of America as a racially homogenous “white” Republic. This has blinded Americans resulting in the purge of Latinos living in the United States. The Latinx population migrating to the United States and living within the United States have had to endure decades of torment, trauma, and pain.

Through the deportation and forced placement of Latinos in Concentration Camps, the United States is committing genocide on Latinos. They are executing several elements of Article II of the United Nations Crime of Genocide. Through the sterilization of migrant women in the facilities, the harsh living conditions, and the separation of families the United States is dehumanizing, torturing, and executing these refugees.

Before examining the persecution and abuse of the Latinx population within United States Detention centers the following pages will briefly discuss the complex and fragmented history of the U.S-Mexico Border and the Latinx American Diaspora in order to gain a better understanding as to what has led to this disorder and mistreatment.